Sunday, October 18, 2015

Lord Birkenhead. Just want to point out how hilarious that name is.

 Ghandi. We all know him. Or, at least, have heard of him, at any rate. 
Ghandi pulling out a machine gun and shooting 
at some baddies James Bond-style in a restaurant 

   Above is a very real picture of Ghandi.
   Okay I joke. This is a screenshot of a very hilarious movie called UHF. There is a section where a trailer for a fake movie plays. The trailer is for Ghandi II, in which Ghandi is a James Bond-style hero fighting a bunch of people. And what makes this so hilarious is the fact that it's the exact opposite of what Ghandi was. 

   Excuse me, who. Sorry, pronouns always get to me. 
  Anyways. Ghandi was always a nonviolent kind of guy. He sponsored and led nonviolent protests - sitdown riots. What were those, you ask? Exactly what they sound like. They sat down, and did nothing. Absolutely nothing

  So. What were they protesting? Well, mostly the oppressive British rule. Just the usual stuff.
A repressed citizen crying out for release from British tyranny

  India wanted self-governance, dominion, self-rule, self-dominion, independence, whatever you wanna call it. Whatever you call it, that's what they wanted. Who from? Why, the British of course? Who does anyone ever want independence from? The British! It's always the British. If a country has an Independence Day celebration, you can bet your sweet bippy it's independence from the British. 

  Let's talk about something else though. How about . . . pop culture! It's in the name of the class blog, is it not? Then let's do such things.

  Judging by the videos given to watch, we see that a whole lot of them have, well, a girl in them. Not surprising. Everyone loves girls. Girls are not jerks, unlike men, so who wouldn't love 'em? But let's look at it more carefully. What are the girls doing? Singing. What about? I dunno. Probably love. If it's a Bollywood film and there's a woman singing, you can bet your aforementioned sweet bippy that it's about love.

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